Tuesday, January 20, 2009


January 20, 2009 - I had the weirdest experience this morning. I woke up 30 min after my alarm rang. I took my uniform from the “sampayan” and took out the flat iron. I noticed though that my extension was full, I thought, I only had my TV and electric fan plugged but why in the world was my rice cooker plugged!?!?!? I couldn’t figure how that happened. I checked the water inside the cooker and it was hot, not boiling, I checked the floor mat and it was ok, not melted. I was afraid I’d let it all night but I know I did not put that thing ON last night because if I did the water would’ve evaporated! I knew very well that it only had little water in it. I did not mind it all until now. It is something unexplainable to me. Last night, I asked Jae if she would like to have a cup of hot milo. The problem was we did not have enough water in my container and so I dismissed the thought. I already had gargled Orofar that time so it was perfect excuse not to drink milo. I did not touch my cooker last night. So, I was wondering, how did my rice cooker get plugged? spooky… I’m trying to shove it off my head now. I don’t want to think that there’s someone, something, somebody else’s living with me in that room.


Jralen said...

Patz, I have goosebumps when I was reading your blog! Sure thing you did not boil anything because the water that was left in my jar was barely enough for a milo and you said that you already brushed your teeth! All I remember was we watched the High Confidential Heels on Q27 then switched to Channel 3 so we can watch Eva Fonda...We did not even finished that teleseries because I went to sleep. I can still hear though that you were watching a little TV still before I dozed off to sleep..

But boiling water?! That is impossible..unless there's someone..remember I told you before when I was just the one eating in that little table of ours just right outside your room and I saw a girl washing dishes in the sink. I thought it was just Gladys but when I told her she said that she was not washing any dishes that night!....

awoooooh!...we need to have a holy water in our respective rooms! There must be somebody living there without us seeing!

www.katobengke.com said...

salm knal yah...........