Tuesday, January 20, 2009


January 20, 2009 - I had the weirdest experience this morning. I woke up 30 min after my alarm rang. I took my uniform from the “sampayan” and took out the flat iron. I noticed though that my extension was full, I thought, I only had my TV and electric fan plugged but why in the world was my rice cooker plugged!?!?!? I couldn’t figure how that happened. I checked the water inside the cooker and it was hot, not boiling, I checked the floor mat and it was ok, not melted. I was afraid I’d let it all night but I know I did not put that thing ON last night because if I did the water would’ve evaporated! I knew very well that it only had little water in it. I did not mind it all until now. It is something unexplainable to me. Last night, I asked Jae if she would like to have a cup of hot milo. The problem was we did not have enough water in my container and so I dismissed the thought. I already had gargled Orofar that time so it was perfect excuse not to drink milo. I did not touch my cooker last night. So, I was wondering, how did my rice cooker get plugged? spooky… I’m trying to shove it off my head now. I don’t want to think that there’s someone, something, somebody else’s living with me in that room.

Monday, January 19, 2009

hot sunday

January 18, 2009 - the first hottest Sunday fever I had this 2009. What I hoped to be an adventurous Sunday ended up lying almost the whole day in bed watching TV, napping, feeling my knees aching, head spinning and nose suffocating from solidified membrane blocking my airways to inhale properly. Ewe!! Hehe… I was sick after last Saturday’s visit to SM. I enjoyed very much watching The Curios Case of Benjamin Button. I didn’t realize how sick I was until we got out of the movie house. My knees went wobbly due to lack of sleep the other night, my temperature was slightly up and I had to run down at Watson to buy Bioflu while my dinner was being ordered by Ace and Bruki. I was still determined after eating to watch the fireworks competition. But before we went out the parking lot, we passed by a crepe store which Lira and I was always planning to visit. So, I bought blueberry flavored crepe. Yum!! I’m looking forward to try some of their flavors some time soon… but not now. I still have sore throat to treat and cold giving me slight headache from time to time. Why do I always have sore throat?!! And why wouldn’t this cough go away?!! My friends would always ask me and I just simply have to answer them that I’m allergic to stress, cold weather conditions, to pollution, etc. I really don’t know why I’m like this. Hehe…must be the price to pay for being hyperactive.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

mission – failed

January 12, 2009 (Yesterday) – I carefully planned my diet and for breakfast, I’ll start with Nesvita. The inspiration to lose weight is triggered with my discomfort towards my TTh uniform. The long Christmas holiday was by far my busiest vacation as far as I can remember. From December 24 to 31 my schedule was already full. Almost all activities I had however, invites you to EAT and celebrate (e.g. reunions, weddings, birthdays, dates?? wek!). I was busy celebrating and at the same time - eating!!!

So back to my weight loss program - when I came in the office I waited for Pretty to arrive so we can join for breakfast. Juicy however had some packed stuff set on her table but was carefully placed at pretty’s side waiting for her arrival. I already had a bad feeling that somewhere in that plastic ware is a luscious meal for free and assumingly I’d be invited to that small buffet. A minute after I swiped in Pretty followed. It was time for breakfast now and I had my nesvita on my pocket. Opening the lid of the plastic ware, I was expectantly asking for some sign that I could say pass to it and have my nesvita. Unfortunately, it contained chorizo and bihon and uhmm.. I couldn’t resist the invitation. Nope, I decided that I’d have my healthy cereal drink tomorrow (that means today), and yeah that’s what I had for breakfast matching it with a hotdog. Haha… I was looking for hotdog since Sunday and was happy to be able to taste again my all time favorite junky. Hehe ;D

wary thoughts

I came in the office having quite the excitement to check on my outlook emails today. I am expecting a lot of work now compared to what has happened yesterday. To my dismay, outlook status was still DISCONNECTED. What’s next?? No internet connection or worst total lock out access of our PC meaning we’re counting just hours to make our exit from the place I’ve grown to love for 3 years. Hehe.. I love this place and the friends I have made here, not the work, not the management. Salary sustains me but only enough to maintain my not-so-fancy lifestyle. I don’t want to worry about the things that I could not see before my eyes. But it is always best to prepared for the worst thing that could happen.

The future is not certain - almost all companies here are affected. Stable companies are ok but still anxious with the global crisis making it more difficult for jobless ones to apply because there isn’t any hiring!! First 3mos of the year has always been the time to hunt for new jobs. But now there seems to be a scarce of just about anything related to money. Last December when businesses started laying off workers, I found myself also alarmed so I prepared items that I could use for future application. I was looking for the one necessary thing needed in all application, long white letter envelope. Department stores were even out of it. “Clearbook” was also out of the shelves.

So far, application I sent was always online (to my fellow bom writers: shush...let’s keep this to ourselves, hehe). There’s no need for the stuff I bought lately. And so far, that’s all there is and I am still waiting for responses of companies which I sent my CV. Hay…

Monday, January 12, 2009

disconnected until stabilized

January 12, 2009 – I thought my outlook was corrupted or something then I noticed the status below my outlook “Disconnected” has never changed after I closed and reopened it again. I asked my colleagues and they too are experiencing the same down time. This means for most of us – less work. But today for me, it means LESSER work except from updating DR tracking and shift codes. I still have my private mails to check, few applications to submit, bom site to update and catch up with the latest company stability status.

It has been a harsh 2008 for some of our company’s employees. And I don’t want to think what will happen 1st quarter of 2009. One our engineering department has issued mandatory leaves for their associates. The thought of mandatory leave came originally from “forced” leave. It was changed that way I guess not to scare some associates. Hehe It was explained later to me about their difference. Mandatory are paid leaves as long provided that you have saved a lot of paid leaves from the past year. Also, 2009 paid leaves can be used to cover the leave. Forced leave however are unpaid.

How long will our paid leave sustain until our company regain stability? And how long will our outlook succeed in trying to connect and re-connect. Hehe…

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

foggy monday morn

Monday, January 5, 2009 - was my first time to catch the earliest AC trip from San Carlos City to Bacolod. Ultimate destination would be Canla-on View, Subd., Murcia. I fell asleep during the ride and woke up approx. 1km away from Bangga Domsat. Ehehe.. it was a funny experience knowing that I paid only 1km short from where I was dropped off. The kundoktor didn’t even bother to comment seeing me with heavy eyes and tipsy stance.

So before I sank into deep sleep I remember being numb from the icy cold temp inside the bus. The weather conditions somewhere Don Salvador was not so good that time. There was rain and what I thought was a cloud surrounding the mountainous route was fog. brr… as in brr…