Monday, January 19, 2009

hot sunday

January 18, 2009 - the first hottest Sunday fever I had this 2009. What I hoped to be an adventurous Sunday ended up lying almost the whole day in bed watching TV, napping, feeling my knees aching, head spinning and nose suffocating from solidified membrane blocking my airways to inhale properly. Ewe!! Hehe… I was sick after last Saturday’s visit to SM. I enjoyed very much watching The Curios Case of Benjamin Button. I didn’t realize how sick I was until we got out of the movie house. My knees went wobbly due to lack of sleep the other night, my temperature was slightly up and I had to run down at Watson to buy Bioflu while my dinner was being ordered by Ace and Bruki. I was still determined after eating to watch the fireworks competition. But before we went out the parking lot, we passed by a crepe store which Lira and I was always planning to visit. So, I bought blueberry flavored crepe. Yum!! I’m looking forward to try some of their flavors some time soon… but not now. I still have sore throat to treat and cold giving me slight headache from time to time. Why do I always have sore throat?!! And why wouldn’t this cough go away?!! My friends would always ask me and I just simply have to answer them that I’m allergic to stress, cold weather conditions, to pollution, etc. I really don’t know why I’m like this. Hehe…must be the price to pay for being hyperactive.

1 comment:

kurab said...

imo mn gi-lab imo uvo mao it won't go away ky it labz you back na..