Monday, July 20, 2009

chocolate (2008 movie)

a movie title that i could associate to willy wonka, a fantasy story, or maybe a dog with reasonability, etc.. but contrary to the sweet and almost innocent title of the movie is a story based on vengeance. an arena of martial arts display. a typical death,vengeance story. it is a thai movie, i would give perfect 10 for the stunts itself. not to mention the skills possessed by the main character - an autistic girl (not in real life). for her first major role or first appearance, she's superb. i see her as a female version of jackie chan, a dare devil. hahaha..i just think she performs her own stunts! i had to read subtitles because it is in thai... even though the translation is bad. they don't talk while fighting.. so it's ok. haha...i'm amazed and entertained. i think i'll just continue kicking balls, smashing shuttle cock and running around. just sticking with something that will keep my face, nose, limbs, etc. intact....?!.?@#$@

watch it guys!


Anonymous said...

I'll be looking out for this movie and check it myself... thai movie is alright but i'm tired of ong-bak... promise.. ahahahah

Pats said...

bonzai owns the dvd btw, hehehe...with permission from commander bruk, i borrowed it and returning it this weekend.. hihi..

lila said...

Hello amiga!! hehehe