Tuesday, December 16, 2008

stiff necking

I’ve never seen a meteor shower before. Last Sunday, Bruki told me there was going to be “meeetyerrr shower” around 12AM-1AM. I was ready for bed already but then curiosity won over my sleepy head. I decided to go watch some stars fall out of the sky. I got out of my bed, wore my jacket and yeah stared at the sky for an hour. The moon was up and so full that night, the air was December cold already. I sat on the bench at the rooftop just few steps out my room. There weren’t so many clouds making my observation unobstructed but then I get jumpy every time I see an airplanes passing by. I get distracted just by looking at those blinking tail lights. My patience and perseverance however awarded me 3 sightings of shooting stars and 1 big green falling star. After exhausting myself from lack of sleep from the previous day, I decided that it was really time for bed. I remembered just now, I forgot to make a 4 wishes. I'll save it for Christmas. hihi... I know the subject sound weird, but have you tried staring up the sky for an hour? ;D

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